Projects are temporary tasks designed to create unique products or services, and must be carefully managed using a clear plan and schedule in order to be completed on time.

Effective project management enhances team efficiency and ensures project goals are fulfilled, so it is imperative to have knowledge of various project management tools and techniques.

Work Breakdown Structure

Work breakdown structures (WBSs) are an excellent way to divide project scope into manageable goals that are action-oriented and can help team members understand how delaying one task will have ripple effects across other projects. WBSs are typically displayed visually through Gantt charts, flow charts or spreadsheets; creative groups like designers, writers and content strategists may find WBSs particularly helpful as it keeps their ideas focused on short-term objectives.

WBSs also improve accountability by clearly outlining work assignments, timelines and budgets for every task. At its base level is the work package which should include short-duration tasks with clear start/stop points that use resources while representing cost; each package should also define an assignment and assign responsibility to an accountable team member.

Gantt Chart

Project management requires juggling many balls at the same time, and one drop can send your timeline spiraling out of control – potentially with dire repercussions for your company.

Gantt charts are visual tools designed to aid project scheduling and planning. They also facilitate communication among team members, making sure everyone remains on the same page about who’s doing what and when – helping everyone stay up-to-date and cutting down on status update meetings.

Large projects often contain interdependent tasks that rely on one another. A Gantt chart allows you to see these dependencies quickly and reassign resources accordingly – helping to avoid bottlenecks or delays, complete projects on schedule and save both money and time!

Risk Matrix

Rarely does any project go from its inception to completion without encountering some type of obstacle, and the risk matrix provides a way to evaluate those risks by helping you understand their probability and level of impact on the project.

A matrix consists of five 5×5 cells displaying Probability and Impact risk criteria in each cell, so you can assess them to identify any urgent concerns for your project and prepare accordingly.

High probability/high impact — These risks have the greatest likelihood of occurring and would have the biggest negative effect on operations, thus they should receive immediate consideration and priority from your team and should also be incorporated into any risk mitigation plans.


Timesheets are an integral component of project management. They serve to determine team member availability and enable more precise workload allocation. Furthermore, timesheets offer valuable insight into any delays that arise during project completion, providing necessary data that allows the redistribution of tasks to offset these delays and ensure project deadlines are met.

To maximize the potential of your timesheets, it is best to opt for software solutions that integrate with other work management tools. For example, many tools offer Kanban boards that help visually display tasks according to their status – this enables team members to find available tasks more easily, eliminate blockers faster and complete projects more rapidly while simultaneously providing managers with data on project performance, employee productivity and profitability analysis.


Integrity is an invaluable quality for project managers to possess. Being reliable and committed means upholding promises made to your team members, which helps foster an atmosphere of trust among your colleagues and fosters an enjoyable working environment.

Integrity can also play an essential role in keeping project costs within budget. By setting clear goals, tracking progress, and identifying risks early, you can ensure that the project stays on course to meet its goals. Furthermore, effective communication among team members regarding tasks, responsibilities and expectations will reduce misunderstandings or potential conflicts that might arise.

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